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Comparing Wordscope and Bureau Works

Which software is better? Here is a rundown of features and reviews to help you make your decision.

Name Wordscope Bureau Works
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Product description

Wordscope ( https://pro.wordscope.com ) provides a variety of tools to ensure quality translations: - Neural machine translation to improve productivity - Private translation memories to avoid translating the same sentences multiple times - Terminology databases - Public translation memories - Quality control tools to check for grammar or spelling errors, inconsistencies, typos, etc. - Synonym lists to improve style - Various sharing options to split large projects between several translators

Website: pro.wordscope.com.

ProZ.com Premium members can benefit from the yearly and monthly discounts on the Wordscope tool. Contact [email protected] for more information.

Translate twice as fast impeccably Our tech allows you to translate faster and better than ever before through the best of machine learning. It's the most sophisticated Post-AI editing environment. We enable you to automate and integrate all fundamental concepts of translation and localization. Simple, inexpensive and amazing.

Website: bureauworks.com.

ProZ.com Premium members can benefit from the yearly and monthly discounts on the BWX tool. Contact [email protected] for more information.

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